Have your balding patterns or thinning hair ever made you feel less confident socially? You are not alone. Many men express feelings of lowered self-confidence because of their hair loss, and perhaps this has something to do with society's perception of bald or balding men.
A study conducted by the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine recently found that men who have received hair transplants were perceived as younger and more attractive than those who did not. Led by Dr. Lisa Ishii, the survey included 122 participants who were asked to give their opinions on before and after photos of 13 different men. According to CBS News, seven of the men in the pictures had received hair transplant procedures to combat their hair loss. The other men did not undergo any hair restoration method.
Those individuals being polled were required to rank the men on "presumed age, attractiveness, level of success and approachability," the news source reported.
"The men who had undergone hair restoration treatments were perceived as the youngest and most attractive. "At the conclusion of the study, the men who had undergone hair restoration treatments were perceived as the youngest and most attractive. The report stated that the increased self-confidence of the men who received a hair transplant may have influenced the participants to believe they were younger.
Hair transplants are becoming increasingly more accepted by society, making it easier than ever for men to pursue the full head of hair that will give them self-confidence in social settings. The Johns Hopkins study is further proof that a hair transplant could be hugely beneficial to one's personal and professional life.
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Long Island hair restoration specialist and facial plastic surgeon Dr. James Marotta is here to help you reach your goals on your terms. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Marotta to restore your hair’s youthful density and your confidence today.
895 West Jericho Turnpike, Smithtown, NY 11787