According to various studies, around 70 percent of men will experience some degree of hair loss throughout their lives. There are a range of factors that can cause this thinning, but the most common factor is genetics.
Hair loss can strike at any age, but many men tend to notice it while they are young. There are, however, different ways you can work to ensure that your follicles stay as healthy as possible and don't jump ship.
Here are a few tips to help you combat hair loss early on in life:
If you have started to lose your hair and want to reverse the process, be sure to schedule a hair replacement surgery with Marotta Hair Restoration today! Take a look at the rest of our website to learn more about all of the different high-quality hair restoration treatments that we offer to our clients.
Long Island hair restoration specialist and facial plastic surgeon Dr. James Marotta is here to help you reach your goals on your terms. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Marotta to restore your hair’s youthful density and your confidence today.
895 West Jericho Turnpike, Smithtown, NY 11787